Photo of Gaya Giritharan

Gaya Giritharan

Pharmacology: President

Hi, I’m Gaya and I’m running to be president of Pharmacology Society!

My vision is to cultivate a dynamic and enthusiastic community within pharmacology society and enhance the range of enriching opportunities that can be offered.

Having been county chess captain, I’ve had the opportunity to lead players of various ages and actively engage in tasks such as coordinating logistics, analysing performance and acting as the primary liaison between team members and officials, all whilst creating a supportive and enjoyable environment. Proactiveness, effective communication and delegation are also skills I have developed through leadership positions such as orchestra manager of ICSM Music and YRC subcommittee.

As president, I aim to:

  • Collaborate with other pharmacology societies (locally and internationally) on joint events such as conferences, resources and ideas to broaden our collective impact & offer diverse opportunities for members
  • Liaise with pharmaceutical organisations and increase networking and mentorship opportunities to bridge the gap between academia and real-world practice
  • Understand student demands (e.g. via surveys) to better tailor initiatives
  • Implement an academic scheme that will provide students across all years with access to online lectures/ tutorials

I believe the aforementioned skills and my enthusiasm will aid me in being a capable president. If elected I aim to leverage my diverse experiences to facilitate effective communication, proactiveness and the successful execution of the society’s initiatives.