Photo of Lee Obersteller

Lee Obersteller

Biology: Publicity Officer

Hey everyone, I'm Lee and I'm running to be your next BioSoc Publicity Officer!

I believe that effective and simple communication is the key to promoting activities, events, opportunities and key information to our community within our department. By maintaining and further promoting our instagram (follow @icbiosoc if you haven't already!) and ensuring that information is given to you in the most easy and simple way to read and access (whether that's through email, whatsapp, instagram or maybe tiktok?? 👀).

I think that I have the skills for the job:

  • I'm a very creative person, invovled in music and enjoy playing around and exploring Canva
  • I have taken on responsibility, currently being Academic Rep for my year and previously having several leadership positions at school.
  • I have worked at the union shop and so have lots of exposure and experience in promoting items and events
  • I am committed in to promoting all of our activities; and gather feedback on ways we can further brand out society

Hopefully I have convinced you enough for a vote!

Thank you!