Photo of Ali Berk Birer

Ali Berk Birer

Consultancy: Vice President: Corporate Relations

Dear Members of the Consultancy Society,

I am Ali Berk Birer, a 2nd year Medical Biosciences student and the current Corporate Relations Associate. After joining our society, I had the pleasure of developing a diverse network of consultants, recruiting teams of top firms, and lead of consultancy societies. Therefore, to re-establish our partner/sponsorships and grow ICCS’s network with student-led consultancy societies, I am standing to be elected as the VP Corporate Relations.

This year, I attended meetings with the current VP Corporate Relations (Victoria Hsu) to establish partner/sponsorships and organise joint events. Also, I actively participated in the Consultancy Summit, Case Study events, and London Strategic Consulting workshops. This led me to develop essential skills in strategic planning, event management, communication, networking, and time management.

In line with my career path, I completed case study interviews and contributed to the acceleration of a London start-up by developing revenue streams and growing their network within our community. With my recent textile start-up called Magna People Vintage in Istanbul, I gained hands-on experience in strategic planning and business management. Additionally, within Imperial, I had Trip Secretary, Social Secretary, and Corporate Relations Associate roles at 3 different committees. I firmly believe that sustaining long-term relationships with other societies and grasping committee management with my prior experience will facilitate my adaptation and contribution to the position.

This year, I aim to grow ICCS’s partner/sponsorships, raise the attendance to London consultancy events, establish collaborations with student-led consultancy organisations, and increase the visibility of ICCS events/workshops.