Photo of Michael Liu

Michael Liu

Consultancy: Vice President: Corporate Relations

In my bid for the Corporate Relations position within the Imperial Consultancy Society, I bring a vision of strategic partnership and professional development that bridges the gap between our members and the industry's leading firms. My experience in networking, coupled with a deep understanding of the consultancy landscape, has prepared me to forge and nurture meaningful connections that benefit both our society and its corporate partners.

Key commitments include:

  1. Strategic Partnerships: Building robust relationships with a diverse array of firms across various sectors, ensuring our members gain exposure to a wide range of consultancy practices and industry insights.

  2. Professional Development: Facilitating workshops, talks, and networking events with professionals to equip our members with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the consultancy field.

  3. Opportunity Creation: Actively seeking out internship and job opportunities for our members, providing a platform for them to apply their academic knowledge in real-world scenarios and kickstart their careers in consultancy.

  4. Alumni Network: Leveraging our society's alumni, many of whom are now esteemed professionals in the consultancy world, to foster a supportive community that guides and mentors current members.

By choosing me for the Corporate Relations role, I promise to dedicate myself to expanding our network, enhancing the professional development of our members, and establishing the Imperial Consultancy Society as a pivotal link between academia and industry.