Photo of Angad Kalra

Angad Kalra

DoCSoc: Sponsor Liaison and Industrial Events Coordinator

In my opinion, there’s only one thing that could be better than DoCSoc’s free pizza: our incredible sponsors and industry connections. From countless networking opportunities to game-changing skills workshops, our sponsors have shaped many of our career paths, including mine!

So why do I want to be your Sponsor Liaison and Industrial Events Coordinator? Well, it’s simple; to keep the heart, soul, and bank of DoCSoc – our sponsorships – thriving!

What are my goals?

  • Diversify our sponsorships to cater to the various interests of students while strengthening our existing partnerships.

  • Collaborate with sponsors to organize events surrounding key industry-demanded skills.

  • Organize more exciting technical sponsor workshops such as Angstrom’s Simulation Workshop, to allow students to gain experience with various fields of computing.

  • Regularly communicate with society members to understand your feedback and ideas for events, thus allowing me to plan events catered to everyone’s interests.

What’s my experience?

  • Student council president in high school: In this role, I effectively coordinated with school management and students to deliver successful academic and social events, while managing budget restrictions. During this process, I also refined my leadership and management skills.

  • Competitive debater: Debating has helped me hone the skills of persuasion and effective communication I need to win over sponsors, and all their beautiful pizza money.

Overall, I’m thrilled at the prospect of becoming your Sponsor Liaison, and I’m committed to ensuring that every sponsor interaction we have propels our careers forward!

Looking forward to counting your vote! 😉