Photo of Callum Firth

Callum Firth

DoCSoc: Events Officer

Hey everyone! I'm Callum, one of your current Events Officers on DoCSoc committee.

During the past academic year, I have helped run and organise both social and academic events at DoCSoc, and was also a Team Lead for Hacker Experience alongside Tanvi for IC Hack. From all of these I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience on what it takes to organise and run both small and large scale events at DoCSoc. I also understand how much time and effort is spent making these events run smoothly, so you can enjoy them the most.

One thing I would like to work on next year is to get general feedback from some of our events. So you can let us know which events you enjoyed the most, or which events that you think needs improving. I also hope to continue to provide a balance of both drinking and non-drinking events, and that our events (and food provided) are accessible to all.

With your vote, I hope to stay on the team to help improve your time and experience here at Imperial, and within DoCSoc. Thanks for reading my manifesto, I hope to see you at future events this year :)