Photo of Nishant Jalan

Nishant Jalan

DoCSoc: Webmaster

Hi, I am Nishant (a.k.a Cybercoder) and I am running for Webmaster at DoCSoc. Although I was not on the committee last year, I worked closely with DoCSoc for our annual flagship event, ICHack '24. That opportunity was a gateway for motivating me to apply for Webmaster this year.

Before officially learning web dev in 2020, I wrote my first piece of HTML code back in 2015, a time when the <marquee /> tag was still a thing and centring a <div /> was proven impossible. After learning a bit about Frontend, I also visited Express.js to learn about the Backend. I mastered the skills of Nuxt3 in 2021 and put my knowledge to the test by helping DoCSoc build ICHack '24 from the ground up. Possessing a solid foundation in web development with a clear understanding of the infrastructure laid out for ICHack '24, I believe I would be the perfect candidate to carry forward the developments of this year into the next.

If elected as Webmaster, I would start the year refactoring the current codebase to build an API that I hope the next 5 generations of ICHack can use. My involvement with DoCSoc this year was a tremendous opportunity to showcase my skills as a developer, and I would love to give back and continue developing for DoCSoc throughout the next academic year. Thank you for reading this far. I hope I have convinced you to vote for me as your new Webmaster!