Photo of Naya Miah

Naya Miah

Biochemistry: Publicity & Marketing Officer

Hi everyone!!

I’m Naya, a second year Biochemist, and I’m super excited to be running for your next publicity officer! Here’s why I’m suitable for the role and what I have in mind for the next year:

  • I aim to contribute into creating a wider Biochemistry community amongst students in all years.
  • Making full use of social media to gauge what students are looking for (making use of polls, suggestions), and increase marketing of our events to further build our social profile.
  • Reaching out to other societies to invite them to our events, or possibly hold inter-society events :)
  • Aiding the committee in planning and delivering events

I’m both a creative person and a heavy administrator, and I believe these two qualities will work hand in hand when it comes to designing posts and getting general tasks done.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope to make Biochem as fun and as useful as possible for you all next year!