Photo of Hannah Seo

Hannah Seo

Medical Education: Treasurer

Hello everyone!

My name is Hannah, a second year medic and I am excited to be running for MedEd's treasurer for next year.

As this role seems to be quite heavily contended, here are some reasons why you should consider voting for me:

  1. Organisation - as an organised person with experience of being a personal secretary and planning events for large numbers of people from concerts to lecture series to retreats, I would be able to keep on top of all the tasks of treasurer (E-activities, budgets, funding etc.) as well as be able to help other committee members.
  2. Priorities - one of my priorities as treasurer would be to enhance the experience of members through grants which can support and allow MedEd to host even more activities and events. With experience as a charity fundraiser, I am familiar with how to contact sponsors and individuals for collabs and funding. These skills would be useful as treasurer in trying to secure grants from the Union and elsewhere, if possible.
  3. Inclusivity & Collaboration - working closely with the committee and responding to feedback on how to improve/what to strengthen and do more of, I would do my best to make MedEd an even more inclusive and collaborative society which caters to the needs of our members and can work well with other societies and organisations for maximum benefit.

Thank you for reading and your vote would be much appreciated :)