Photo of Haider Nazerali

Haider Nazerali

Medical Education: Treasurer

Hi all!

I'm Haider, the current ICSMSU President. I'm putting myself forward for the role of MedEd Treasurer so that I can contribute and support the running of the commitee next year.

Treasurer is a primarily logistical role and I have a very substantial amount of experience in the running of societies and society finance - having spent a full year working for the Union, in addition to more than 25 other roles in my 5 years of ICSM so far.

Having me on the MedEd committee comes with the additional benefit of a good working personal relationship with ICU and the very in-depth consistent experience with the bylaws and ruels we need to work within. You can rely on me in this role!

I'm very passionate about medical education, and have previously led the MedEd Teaching Academy as well as delivering more than 20 tutorials to younger years, around 10 of which were through MedEd. I have been and will continue to be dedicated to the aims of MedEd and contribute my expertise and support as much as I can.