Photo of Eleonore Law

Eleonore Law

Civil Engineering: Treasurer

Hello Skemtonians!

I am Eléonore, a third year and running for CivSoc Treasurer.

Currently serving as CivSoc's Secretary, I've gained a comprehensive understanding into the society's operations. This experience has equipped me with a solid foundation to eagerly pursue the role of Treasurer within CivSoc!

Why Eléonore?

1. I will try my best to secure amazing sponsorships to fund all of our events such as the tour, the Christmas dinner, pub quiz...

2. I will work with the entire committee to bring you more events & for a better price!

3. I am currently CivSoc Secretary & French Society Treasurer. Therefore know CivSoc & the role of Treasurer well!

I am excited about the opportunity to be your Treasurer & help CivSoc thrive!

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am counting on your vote!