Photo of Baron Ling Ling

Baron Ling Ling

ABACUS: President

Let's go back to October when I approached the ABACUS fresher's stand in search of free treats. I came for the snacks, and left as a member. Why you may ask? What I realised was that ABACUS was not just a society, but a community where our differences bring us closer together instead of further apart. No matter where you're from, there's a place for you here - and it's right next to the spring rolls.

Let me give you an idea of what I envision for our future. I'd like to introduce internal events, some in collaboration with other Imperial societies, as well as regular tournaments involving our family support scheme in order to foster a more close-knit circle of members. Everyone will get to voice their opinions on activities and events through surveys, so that I can take it into account when planning the next event. I also aim to expand the scope of the society to not just on cultural and social events, but also include career development opportunities in our newsletters which will advertise both internal and external schemes for personal and professional growth.

Vote for me, and I will deliver you an ABACUS which is shaped by input from all, and continues to provide exciting social events. Together we will set the stage for a society that not only grows together but thrives together. All I will ask is that you bring yourself, some bubble tea, and be ready to make some life-long memories.