Photo of Zoe Fang

Zoe Fang

ABACUS: President

Having grown up in northeast London where the Chinese community was small, I felt like I belonged when I connected with others who shared similar backgrounds. ABACUS is a society that connects people through culture, provides the time for friendships to form and offers a wide variety of events from unlimited sushi to clubbing. Every club night, from Winter Ball to CNY has been unforgettable and enjoyable, even if it resulted in me looking like a bright red tomato. I wanted to step forward and ensure that it remains enjoyable for attendees for the next academic year.

My involvement in various committees, such as Vice President of the Finance Society and Communications Officer, demonstrates my leadership, teamwork and ability to balance academic responsibilities with a vibrant social life. My bright smile and personality will welcome new and old members to the society to further grow the ABACUS community and allow me to collaborate with other universities too.

I aim to foster collaborations between other societies by organising a variety of social events and enhancing the family scheme. My ambitions involve growing ABACUS through more sign-ups and collaborating with other universities to introduce new activities like an ABACUS talent show, bowling, and coffee shop crawls to diversify our social offerings beyond clubbing.

I wish to continue the legacy of the warm and friendly ABACUS committee as president next year and am already so excited to continue to be a part of this society!

ABACUS is life. ABACUS is love.