Civil Engineering: Chair


Milagros Delgado Encinas

Hello everyone!! I'm Mila, a third year Civil Engineering student. I'm very excited to run for Chair of CivSoc for 2024/25! This year, I've been President of the Spanish Society here at Imperial and I've really enjoyed organising the committee and getting to plan events. I'd love to apply the experience that I've gained to help improve such an amazing society as CivSoc is! It's really important for us to not only ge ...

Ingrid Fung

Hi everyone! As CivSoc’s Treasurer, Secretary for the past 2 years, and Departmental Representative, I deeply love CivSoc and would love to continue contributing to the society as Chair! With a well-rounded knowledge of all operations, finances, events, and the ins and outs of the society, I will ensure CivSoc continues to be engaging and enjoyable for everyone! As Chair, I promise to do the following to furth ...