Photo of Muhammad Mohsin Thalaiyur Mohammad Rayees

Muhammad Mohsin Thalaiyur Mohammad Rayees

DoCSoc: President

Hey there, I’m Mohsin! As a second year Computing student, I have seen a great deal of what DocSoc has to offer. I also have more than a year’s worth of experience working in the software development industry. This has given me a great understanding of how to cater to both a sponsor and member’s needs.

This is what I'll do as president:

  • Extend DocSoc to be a networking platform for members, by holding more networking events.
  • Hold more academic events that would teach members knowledge outside course material. This can be done with collaboration events with other societies, and also volunteers from our own members.
  • Give members a platform for suggestions on what they want from DocSoc. I believe feedback is vital to bridge the gap between the committee and the members, and it would help us plan events that would benefit everyone.
  • Not all has to be work! I also aim to hold sport events for our society to give a change of pace for our members.

DocSoc is not just ‘any other society’, but it is so much more. This society requires so much more than someone who can just plan events. It needs someone who can turn this goldmine of an opportunity into something beautiful. I believe I have what it takes to turn this society into something special, and I will do everything in my power to make it so. I would be honoured if I can secure your support in this pursuit of mine.