Photo of Robbie Buxton

Robbie Buxton

DoCSoc: President

Elect Robbie Buxton for DocSoc President Championing Tradition, Leading with Integrity

Preserve Our Heritage. Command Our Future.

In a time of pivotal change at Imperial College London, the importance of steadfast leadership and visionary planning has never been more critical. My name is Robbie Buxton, and I stand before you, not just as a candidate for DocSoc President but as a committed advocate for our shared legacy. Having previously contended for a position within DocSoc, I have experienced the fervor of our community and the challenges of ensuring fair representation. Despite setbacks from voter fraud resulting in only 2/5s of the vote in a previous election, my resolve has only strengthened. Now, with a bold and groundbreaking plan, I aim to leverage DocSoc's limitless resources to embark on an unprecedented journey: the acquisition of Imperial College London to preserve its essence and prevent the proposed rebranding.

Our Mission: An Unyielding Stand Against Rebranding

Imperial College London's heritage and its emblem are cornerstones of our identity. The proposed logo change threatens to erode this foundation. As your President, I will not only oppose this but will propose a proactive measure - using DocSoc's extensive and seemingly limitless wealth to secure a controlling interest in our College to stop the rebranding. This audacious plan is not a mere dream; it is a tangible vision.