Photo of Tejas Bantupalli

Tejas Bantupalli

Mathematics: Vice President

Hey guys,

I'm Tejas and I am currently a First-Year JMC.

As VP, I aim to organize bigger and better career fairs (yes with more freebies too) through enhanced outreach efforts, including increased engagement with more prominent companies. By promising bigger career fairs, we aim to create an environment where students can explore a multitude of career options, gain valuable insights into various industries, and forge meaningful connections with recruiters.

One of my favourite events conducted by MathSoc is the Integration Bee event. As Vice President, I aim to make internal Integration bees more frequent and inclusive, similar to the MIT Integration Bees, thus encouraging students from all backgrounds to participate and demonstrate their own skills. I feel that this will allow us to become more concise with Pure and Applied maths in a fun way, thus increasing our ability to do well in our respective courses. This will also encourage more students to participate and represent Imperial in the UK National Integration Bee.

I was one of such participants this year, and I can confim that it was a very rewarding experience for me as not only did I gain many skills, but I also had a lot of fun and made some very close friends during the process.

My Ansatz is that you have hopefully understood my intention behind applying for this role. If you don't, then please read this manifesto again with Cauchy-on (although please do not end up in a recursive loop).