Photo of Bharath Sivakumar

Bharath Sivakumar

CGCU: Clubs and Societies Officer

Hey everyone!

My name is Bharath, I’m an undergrad chemical engineering student and I’m applying for the role of Clubs & Societies Officer. Joining a club or society is a fantastic way to unwind from all that coursework stress, so I am committed to ensuring all members have a great experience at CGCU.

Being part of the events subcommittee in ChemEngSoc allowed me to help organise events, from finding appropriate venues to ensuring sufficient food and drinks for members, all while ensuring it meets the budget. I thoroughly enjoyed hosting different activities and meeting people of all backgrounds. These experiences helped me build the skills necessary to best serve you in this role.

If I am elected, I will:

  • Work with the committee to ensure all clubs and societies are appropriately funded so they meet their goals
  • Work with the Clubs & Societies Chair to ensure smooth operations of all activities held
  • Work closely with each club and society and help them with any difficulties i.e funding or providing the necessary equipment
  • Listen and take in feedback from you, so that we can continue to improve our clubs and societies for all members.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto, let’s make this year one to remember for CGCU!