CGCU: Clubs and Societies Officer


Yirui Xu

I’m Yirui Xu, a first-year student studying civil engineering. I want to run for the position of Clubs and Societies Officer. I believe that participating in school club activities is not only a way for us to study but also a valuable opportunity for us to shape our character, build social relationships, and expand our skills. As the Clubs and Societies Officer, I hope to create a more colorful club experience ...

Bharath Sivakumar

Hey everyone! My name is Bharath, I’m an undergrad chemical engineering student and I’m applying for the role of Clubs & Societies Officer. Joining a club or society is a fantastic way to unwind from all that coursework stress, so I am committed to ensuring all members have a great experience at CGCU. Being part of the events subcommittee in ChemEngSoc allowed me to help organise events, from f ...