Photo of Matej Kusik

Matej Kusik

CGCU: Regalia Officer

As regalia officer this year, I have delivered on my promises with free stickers and plenty of other items at freshers fair and sweaters, scarves, hats and more going up for sale on our shop. We’ve also had multiple huge discounts on these items as well as give aways at many of our events. I have been working hard on a new summer collection which will be available soon (bucket hats incoming!) coming in at very attractive prices. I have also been working on some photo booth items which will be perfect for showing off at future events.

I have learnt a lot in designing and sourcing the best and cheapest merch for all you engineers and I would love to build on this next year bringing in even more stuff and crucially – listening to your ideas!

Tankards, shot glasses, T-shirts and more are all in the works ;)

Fully Custom items will be available soon as well!