CGCU: Regalia Officer


Matej Kusik

As regalia officer this year, I have delivered on my promises with free stickers and plenty of other items at freshers fair and sweaters, scarves, hats and more going up for sale on our shop. We’ve also had multiple huge discounts on these items as well as give aways at many of our events. I have been working hard on a new summer collection which will be available soon (bucket hats incoming!) coming in at very ...

SKY Wang

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the role of Regalia Officer. Having successfully overseen the customization of merchandise items for our IC Robotics Hackathon event, I am excited to bring my experience and passion to this position. As Regalia Officer, my foremost commitment is to provide merchandise of the highest quality at affordable prices. Building on my previous achievements, I will explore cost-effe ...