Photo of Phoebe Houldsworth-Bianek

Phoebe Houldsworth-Bianek

RSMU: Vice President (Clubs & Societies)

For those who don’t know me, I’m Phoebe, third year EPS, and I’d love to represent you next year as RSMU VPCS. I do lots of sport and have played hockey at three Bottle Matches, twice as a captain, and once as RSM Hockey President. I’ve held five positions on two committees over the last two years, gaining experience with the RSMU and the Union, which will be valuable on CSPB.

My RSM experience would have been very different without sport, and to me the department’s societies are the best way to get involved and meet people from different years. As VPCS I would ensure that these clubs continue to thrive and enrich the student experience.

While I haven’t organised anything as big as Bottle before, as Competitive Swimming Captain I organised travelling to BUCS in Sheffield; liaising with IA and BUCS about entries, sorting accommodation for 20 and getting everyone into Pizza Express, all while preparing a Bottle squad!

That said, Bottle is so much more than just sport; it’s an event brought to life by everyone present. The crowd is electric, and makes such a difference to your on-pitch experience. While I would love to say that it’s all about the hockey, Bottle is made by everybody there. A great Bottle is one where everyone has as much fun as they can, while the RSM gets an opportunity to showcase its sport and community. I would love to be a part of that as your VPCS next year.