RSMU: Vice President (Clubs & Societies)


Phoebe Houldsworth-Bianek

For those who don’t know me, I’m Phoebe, third year EPS, and I’d love to represent you next year as RSMU VPCS. I do lots of sport and have played hockey at three Bottle Matches, twice as a captain, and once as RSM Hockey President. I’ve held five positions on two committees over the last two years, gaining experience with the RSMU and the Union, which will be valuable on CSPB. My RSM experien ...

Connor Newall-Gray

Hello there! My name is Connor and I'm excited to be running for the role of RSMU VPCS. Over the past year, I've been fortunate enough to be part of the RSMU committee. This has given me a comprehensive understanding of how the union operates, and I'm confident that my experience makes me the perfect candidate for this position. I believe that the most important thing for a VPCS is to simply get the job done. I've ...