Photo of Emma Clarasó Batllori

Emma Clarasó Batllori

Physics (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Hi everyone!

I’m Emma, the current Year 3 academic rep, and I am very excited to present my candidacy for Departmental academic rep! If you vote for me, I promise to do my best to make everyone’s experience at Imperial as enriching as possible.

This year as academic rep has given me the insight and experience that I believe are necessary to undertake this role. Along with the other reps, we have focused on becoming a solid link between the students and the department. I believe that we have greatly improved the communication and transparency that were clearly lacking, especially in the recent difficult circumstances. I would like to keep contributing to building an environment where students and staff are open to dialogue and work together to improve everyone’s time here.

By both talking to students and through my own experience, I have realised that the way some courses are designed is not always coherent. As we progress in our degree, some concepts that have never been properly taught are assumed to be known. I therefore believe that ensuring academic consistency throughout the years is an important point, and addressing it at departmental level is one of my main focuses.

Thank you so much for reading my manifesto and for considering me for this role!
