Photo of Elias Fink

Elias Fink

Physics (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Over the past months, I had the pleasure to be the Academic Representative for Year 2. Together with the other Reps, we were able to solve many issues for the year group and bridge the gap between students and the department. Taking over from Jack's legacy of good organisation and communication, I would like to continue doing this as your Departmental Representative for all year groups in the future.

As I strongly believe that different years of undergraduate students can learn from each other, I would like to support and enhance PhySoc mums and dads programme by opening regular dialogue between representatives outside the setting of the Student Staff Committee, say in form of meetings or periodic briefs detailing internal issues that have arisen in the relevant year group and that would not usually be covered in a Student Staff Committee meeting.

During his term as Departmental Representative, Jack has very closely worked with and alongside the National Student Survey from which suggestions about changes in the department for better student satisfaction can be extracted. My goal is to continue this work as well as mostly focusing on improving the two lowest scoring aspects of "Assessment and feedback" and "Student voice" while trying to preserve the high scores of the teaching and support aspects. This will be possible for me as, due to my role as Academic Year 2 Representative, I have been involved in many department committee meetings which gave me insights in the organisatory structures that cause changes.