Photo of Laith Mohajer

Laith Mohajer

Physics (UG): Departmental Academic Representative
I am Laith Mohajer, a 3rd year student, and I am running to be your Departmental Academic Representative. With firsthand insights into our department's strengths and (many) areas for improvement, I'm committed to fostering a culture of genuine collaboration, enhancing synergy between professors and students, and encouraging our department to embrace innovative teaching methods.
Last year, I co-led a campaign that successfully demanded transparency over our delayed year 2 marks. This initiative not only showcased our potential for collective action but also fueled my desire to become the department's academic representative and transform this role into an agency of meaningful and sustained change.
Core Objectives:
  • Peer Tutoring Sessions: In the hope of inspiring a greater community feel within the cohort, I will establish a peer tutoring programme, offering support for our most challenging courses e.g.: problem sheet walkthroughs.
  • More Detailed Solutions: I will advocate for more detailed solution guides that respect the difficulties of each problem. This will hopefully serve to foster a deeper understanding and better academic performance.
  • Timely Academic Feedback: Inspired by our past success, I will ensure our voices are heard for prompt and transparent feedback, avoiding undue stress and uncertainty.
  • Enhanced Access to Blackett Resources: I will work directly with the Deputy Heads of Department to ensure that all computing facilities and electrical sockets in Blackett are fully functional and accessible.
I am dedicated to maintaining a transparent communication channel, and, in being a true representative of our collective voice, getting things done.
- Laith