I am excited to run for Transplant and Vascular Society Research Officer this year. I have a strong passion for research and academia and I am committed to opening doors for society members. I will improve accessibility to projects and will strengthen relationships with experienced members of the transplant community. I carry a wealth of information on research and am more than qualified to deepen the quality and bre ...
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
Hello everyone, I'm Raaga, and I'd love to contribute Society of Transplant and Vascular, I'd love to bring in more innovation and learning in! Kind regards Raaga
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
Hi I'm a second year and running for research officer this year. I'm passionate about the transplant and vascular specialties! I would like to hold more informative and networking sessions where we get to learn about transplant and vascular medicine and surgery from specialists themselves. I would also like to get a weekly email sent out and hold workshops where we learn about and simulate procedures commonly carrie ...