ENT ( Ear Nose and Throat) Society : Events Officer


Saad Ayub

My name is Saad Ayub, a 3rd year medical student and the Year 2 coordinator for Muslim Medics. I led a team of 12 final-year medical students and 2 GPs while working for MSID (Medical Schools in Difficulty), coordinating medical tutorial content for students in conflict zones globally. At Muslim Medics, I recruited senior students to deliver a series of 20 tutorials and have coordinated with external organisations ...

Hannah Seo

Hello everyone! My name is Hannah, the current treasurer for ENT Soc, and I am excited to be running to be the Events Officer for next year. Other than my interests in ENT as a specialty and dedication to the society, here are some reasons why you should consider voting for me: Organisation - as an organised person with experience of being in various committee roles and planning events for large numbers of peopl ...

Anthony Sim

Hi everyone! My name is Anthony and I'm a 3rd year medic interested in pursuing ENT as a speciality. I'm applying for events officer for ENT society since I'm passionate about delivering exciting events to get more people to engage such as with: introductory sessions from experts to help build an understanding of important aspects of ENT workshops focusing on building technical skills useful for a career in EN ...

Maahin Imran

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Ved Sakhi

Hi everyone! My name is Vedant, and I’m running to be Events Officer for the ENT Society next year! ENT is a fascinating and dynamic specialty, covering everything from airway management to intricate head & neck surgery. Our BRS teaching on ENT really sparked my passion for the field, and I want to help more students explore this specialty through engaging, high-quality events that showcase just how excit ...