Photo of Anthony Sim

Anthony Sim

ENT ( Ear Nose and Throat) Society : Events Officer

Hi everyone!

My name is Anthony and I'm a 3rd year medic interested in pursuing ENT as a speciality.

I'm applying for events officer for ENT society since I'm passionate about delivering exciting events to get more people to engage such as with:

  • introductory sessions from experts to help build an understanding of important aspects of ENT
  • workshops focusing on building technical skills useful for a career in ENT with official certifications for personal development
  • conferences hosting ENT specialists at the forefront of their field for insightful talks and opportunities to present research, network and collaborate

With my experience in Gastro&Hep helping with networking and publicity, I will help organise social media campaigns, exciting events like the ones above and recruit leaders in ENT to deliver insightful talks.

Let's inspire our peers to get stuck in with ENT and take charge of their career aspirations!

Thank you for reading and your vote would be very much appreciated : )