Acute Care Specialities : Acute Medicine Lead


Halima Hasan

Hi, my name is Halima and I am running for Acute Medicine Lead! Acute care in general is an understated field within the NHS - a gateway between primary and secondary care, they form the backbone of hospitals. It is one of the few general specialties, which requires knowledge of all organ systems in order to effectively help patients. As acute medicine lead, I want to provide an understanding of the role of this sp ...

Lara Shazell

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Dhruvit Modi

Hey everyone! I’m Dhruvit Modi, a third-year medic, and I’m excited to run for Acute Medicine Lead of the Acute Care Society. With my passion for acute medicine and anaesthetics, alongside my experience organising events and securing funding through iPRAS, I’m eager to enhance educational and hands-on opportunities for students. As Treasurer for iPRAS, I created detailed event budgets, secured a &p ...