Algorithmic Trading: Secretary


Bertran Maurelia Peidro

Hey everyone, I’m Bertran, a first year Computing student. I joined the Algorithmic Trading society this year to delve deeper into the world of finance and trading, and have actively attended the Introduction to Algorithmic Trading lectures and events run by the society. In terms of my experience for the role, I have served as vice president of the student council and president of several clubs in my school. ...

Utkarsh Jetly

Hello future traders! I'm Utkarsh - I'm a 2nd year Theoretical Physics student, a Research Analyst at QTC and have given 15+ trading interviews at top firms like Flow Traders, Deutsche Bank, Dare, IMC, Crédit Agricole, and DV Trading in my second year meaning I know exactly what to do—and what NOT to do. Why Me? Here’s why: Annual Algothon + Competitions! I aim to host Europe's biggest Algo ...

Edwin Ko

I am a 1st year physics student and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Secretary of AlgSoc. This role is vital in ensuring smooth operations, clear communication, and strong organization within the society. With my dedication, efficiency, and attention to detail, I am confident in my ability to fulfill these responsibilities effectively. As Secretary, I will ensure that all members stay well-informed through e ...

Ghazi Zein

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.