Chemical Engineering: Pipeline Editor


Neerja Sonowal

Hello ChemEng Fam! I’m Neerja, and I’d love to be your next Pipeline Editor! Writing has always been my most authentic form of expression—whether it’s academic research papers or publishing two fiction novels, I truly love crafting compelling stories. Now, I want to bring that same passion to Pipeline, making it a bold, insightful, and engaging reflection of our ChemEng community. I envision ...

Alisha Nik Shazwan

Hello, I'm Alisha and I'm running to be your next Pipeline Editor! In my first year, I was part of this team as a graphic designer. In my time, I gained more experience working with Canva and I tremendously improved my organisation skills by working around deadlines. Unfortunately, I was not part of the team in my second year as I moved on to become the Publicity Officer of the Malaysian Society and Prototyping Soc ...