Hi my name is Yesh and I would love to be your Ophthalmology Soc Research and Opportunities Officer next year! One of the more unique specialties in medicine, I have grown an interest in Ophthalmology through personal experience and placements. I believe Ophthalmology Soc has potential to be one of the largest societies in ICSM and I would love to be a part of making this happen. It is important in such a niche spec ...
Hi, I am Ali, a 2nd-year medical student. I am incredibly excited to be applying for this role. As Research Lead, I would like to foster an inspiring and welcoming research environment within the Ophthalmology Society so that students can engage with the newest advancements and opportunities. Some things I would like to introduce: ✅ Journal Clubs – Periodic discussions of pioneering ophthalmology rese ...
Hello! My name is Amanda. As an aspiring Ophthalmologist I am really keen to create opportunities to encourage others to get involved in research further their learning about the latest advancements in ophthalmology. Ophthalmology is an ever-changing field with new techniques constantly being implemented and discoveries being made, which is why research in this speciality is so exciting. Currently in my second year, ...
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Hi, my name is Eva and I am running for the role of research and opportunities officer for Ophthal Soc this year! I am passionate about ophthalmology, having recently completed my specialty choice placement at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Sadly, I believe that the exposure of medical students to this fascinating and rewarding specialty is very limited at medical school (I personally only found out I wanted to do ophthalm ...