Photo of Eva Weinberger

Eva Weinberger

Ophthalmology: Research and Opportunities Officer

Hi, my name is Eva and I am running for the role of research and opportunities officer for Ophthal Soc this year! I am passionate about ophthalmology, having recently completed my specialty choice placement at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Sadly, I believe that the exposure of medical students to this fascinating and rewarding specialty is very limited at medical school (I personally only found out I wanted to do ophthalmology in my 5th year). Yet regardless of when you develop an interest, I believe that it is crucial to maximise any research and networking opportunities during medical school, as it is a highly competitive specialty. As your research and opportunities officer, I would like to help budding ophthalmologists boost their portfolio points by facilitating networking in the field. I believe I am well postioned for this role, as I have built several connections at Moorfields during my placement, participated in a Moorfields uveitis symposium and helped with Moorfields undergraduate teaching , which has allowed me to network with a number of ophthalmologists who are top of their field. I have also taken the Duke Elder examination last year, published a case report with Wilmer Eye Institute in the US, and taken part in the ICSM Ophthalmology Conference 2025 as well as the Ophthalmology Microsurgical Skills Conference. This has helped me to best understand how you can immerse yourself in this unique specialty as a medical student. My main goal is to facilitate involvement with ophthalmology research and conferences amongst medical students.