Photo of Wendy Ren

Wendy Ren

Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine: Liaison Officer

PHEM brings medical students unmatched opportunities, namely the trauma placement and ambulance observer programme, both of which I have had the pleasure of taking part in this year. I am extremely passionate about pre-hospital emergency medicine and believe that seeing patients from the perspective of the ambulance crew provides a unique and important perspective on patient care. With past experience in other societal roles, including president and treasurer, I have the skills to ensure that I carry out the role of liaison officer to the best degree possible and contribute to the running of this society.

I am a trustworthy and reliable person who replies to emails in a very timely manner. I am eagar to help PHEM soc to continue to grow and build on the amazing opportunities that it offers. As your liason officer I will reach out to more ambulance stations with the aim of increasing the capacity of the AOP programme and broadening the areas covered. All in all, PHEM is a society that has really positively impacted my experiences and is a society that I am excited to dedicate my time to.

Thank you for reading :)