Chemistry: Vice President


Xianya Liu

Hi everyone! I’m Penny, a first-year chemistry student, and I’m excited to run for Vice President of ChemSoc! Chemistry is challenging, but ChemSoc has been a fantastic way to connect, learn, and have fun. I want to ensure every student feels the same sense of belonging and excitement. As the current President of Beit Hall Committee, I’ve gained hands-on experience organising events, running ...

Inez Wang

Hi everyone! I’m Inez, and I’m excited to be running for Vice President of the Chemistry Committee. This year, as the Industrial Relations Officer on the committee, I collaborated with the biochemistry and the biomedical sciences society to organise a successful career fair with over 15 companies and nearly 400 attendees. I’m proud of what we accomplished, and now I want to take on more responsibil ...

Jon Hiew

Hi everyone! For those who don't know me, I'm Jon, a 2nd year chemist, who spends way too much time in chem cafe. If I'm not doing chemistry, you'll find me playing badminton or viola around the college. ChemSoc has been such an invaluable part of my uni experience, where I am able to meet new chemistry students and socialise in non-academic settings. My favourite event has been the Chemistry Christmas Dinner this y ...