Hello there, my name is Dexter, a first year Civil Engineering student. Having attended numerous Indonesian events, I have experienced both the good and the bad. These experiences have inspired me to contribute to the growth of the Indonesian community here at Imperial. After talking to some of the Indonesian students, I've compiled a list of events that we can arrange next year such as: Regular weekly/ biweekly ...
Helloo, I’m Schmidt! As a first-year Biomedical Engineering student, running for Events Organiser, I’m all about fun and yap! Whether taking random strolls through Soho or climbing Bali’s waterfalls (because I’m a forever Bali kid), I’m always down for a good time. With my outgoing spirit, I ensure to make our society not only welcoming, but exciting! My ‘Why’: My goal is to ...
Hi teman-teman! I'm Javier and I am excited to run for Event Organizer. Indonesia is all about culture, togetherness and my personal favourite, food! Whether it's a cultural showcase, a night of great food, or a simple get-together, I want out society's events to truly reflect our values. If elected, I will strive to create an engaging and unforgettable year for all of us with CIPTA! C - Celebrate Indo Night: Indo ...
Hi I'm Valery! I'm currently a 1st year student studying physics, and I would love to be part of the Indosoc committee for next year. I've had a lot of fun in imperial this year and I've felt very welcomed by the society and other Indonesians here. I hope that I can help out next year to organize interesting events and make future students feel at home here as well.