Hi, I’m Skanda Swaminathan. I’m running for biochemsoc president this year.
“Don’t carry the world upon your shoulders”
Communication: the cornerstone of society. Communication: lacking between first years and their seniors. Communication: which I intend to facilitate by instituting a more robust WhatsApp community for the entirety of biochemsoc (Y1-Y4). This community would be separated into channels for specialised inter-year communications and queries regarding coursework, placement//business years, job openings, and enquiries for biochemsoc committee. No senior made it this far without help from their seniors.
“Take a sad song and make it better”
Biochemsoc needs to feel like a true community, and social events that people are excited to attend go a long way. I pride myself in my ability to organise large-scale social events on a limited budget. In other words Skanda Swaminathan knows how to throw a party! Expect subsidised tickets, bar nights, and boat parties with free drink tokens. Furthermore, my relationships and involvement with societies such as DocSoc and Physoc would allow me to host larger events in collaboration with them.
“Better, better, better”
It feels like every single time we have an event, a piece of coursework happens to be due the next day! By carefully considering the schedules of students, we could propose better dates for these events at the start of term time and ensure society-wide engagement. Having events to look forward to is key for motivating us through this course.
“Don’t be a fool, don’t play it cool. Vote for Skanda Swaminathan”