Chemistry: President


Anton Pustygin

Howdily-doodily! I’m Anton, your current 1st Year Representative :) To say that ChemSoc has shaped my whole university experience would be an understatement. It has made for the fondest memories from the very start of my course, and ever since I have wished to contribute to the Society. I am now running for the role of president and am hoping for your support. If elected, my goals for next year will include: ...

Marianne Peuch

Hi everyone! I’m Marianne, a second year chemist. Outside of chemistry, I enjoy running, playing badminton and electric guitar, painting, and reading. This year I was delighted to be your Vice President and I’m now running for the role of President. Working with this year's committee, I’ve enjoyed helping to organise a range of events while learning the financial and administrative aspects of the ...