Hi all, if you are fortunately, or unfortunately, a Computing or EIE student, please go and vote for me as your DoC Departmental Rep and DoCSoc Marketing and Publicity Officer. :))) Also I would love to bear the bolt of CGCU lol.
My name is Sky Wang, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of CGCU Bolt Bearer. I have been actively involved in the City & Guilds College Union, and throughout my time here, I have developed a deep appreciation for the traditions and heritage that define our community. The Bolt Bearer role is more than a ceremonial title; it is a proud symbol of our Union’s history, identity, and colle ...
Hello!I'm Matej, a proud engineer ready to lay down his life to protect a huge hunk of metal. I have plenty of experience handling such hefty things (see photo above) and I'm ready to up my game.As a member of Team Bo', I already know what it means to take good care of a CGCU mascot and I will gladly extend my engineering love to the one and only Spanner. I am also currently working on my physique for the sole reason ...
I will protect this symbol of CGCU honor from being stolen or taken away by others. As long as I am here, this item will be here. I believe I am capable of fulfilling this role!