Photo of Steven Ji

Steven Ji

Chinese: General Secretary

To everyone who reads this manifesto:

I hope you are doing well. I am Steven Ji, a second-year Biological Sciences student. With an aspiration to provide better services for members of Chinese Society, I am now running for the position of General Secretary.

If I am successfully elected to be the General Secretary of Chinese Society, I will achieve the following promises:

  • Timely response to enquiries. My working hours are flexible, so feel free to reach out to me on WeChat or email, and I will reply as soon as possible (typically within an hour).
  • Transparency in decisions. I understood that decisions are best when they are clear and in the best interests of stakeholders. Thus, as the General Secretary, I will maintain this transparency when making crucial decisions and guarantee a fair, satisfying atmosphere within Chinese Society.
  • Collaborative partnerships. As the General Secretary, I will aim to maintain camaraderie between Chinese Society departments and external partners.

The list above is incomplete. I will commit 100% to Chinese Society, so please vote for me. Thank you.


Steven Ji