International Tamil: Sports Co-ordinator


Veishahan Murugathas

As a lifelong football player, my love for sports and teamwork has shaped me deeply. I'm eager to bring this passion to the role of Head of Sports for the Imperial Tamil Society. Football has taught me leadership, collaboration, and perseverance—qualities essential for fostering a vibrant sports culture. I believe sports unite people, promote health, and build lasting friendships. As Head of Sports, I will or ...

Rojan Ragunathan

Vanakkam, My name is Rojan and I am excited to be running for the position of Head of Sports next year. I am looking to improve the team even further and I believe I am a fit candidate for this. With over 10 years of experience playing for a Tamil club winning numerous tournaments, I understand the importance of teamwork, discipline and perseverance in the world of sports. In addition to my playing experience, I h ...