Photo of Lim Jia Yong

Lim Jia Yong

Climate Entrepreneurs: Alumni Officer

In my role as the Alumni Officer for Climate Entrepreneurs, my vision is to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community uniting our imperial alumni and members in the climate and environmental industry. I firmly believe that our collective growth hinges on the invaluable insights and opportunities our alumni can offer from their extensive experiences in the climate and environmental sector.

I am committed to the following strategies:

  • Forge Connections: Facilitate meaningful interactions such as social networking event and talks with industry professionals in climate and environmental fields.

  • Empower Through Learning: Provide tailored upskilling workshops to equip members with essential skills for their professional journey.

  • Unlock Opportunities: Grant exclusive access to career development resources, including job listings and CV reviews, keeping members abreast of industry trends.

  • Foster Mentorship: Create avenues for mentorship between our members and accomplished alumni.

My confidence in achieving these goals stems from my proven leadership abilities, strong interpersonal skills, and collaborative spirit honed through past experiences in Imperial Consulting Group, Imperial Energy Society and Imperial College Investment Society. Your support is pivotal in realizing this vision.

By casting your vote, we can together build a robust alumni network that embodies enduring values and achieves our shared aspirations.