Photo of Karthik Raghu

Karthik Raghu

Prosthetics: Cybathlon Leg Lead

Hi Everybody! My name is Karthik, and since high school I've been inspired by Prosthetic arms like the hero arm and the luke arm and legs like the BiOMs. Since then, I've searched for the opportunity to try designing a prosthetic limb myself and this year I got my chance when I led the Ankle team in designing the foot for our leg. I love the design challenge of the cybathlon competition and I learnt so much as a part of the leg team this year. I've learnt how to deal with failures and setbacks in the design process. I've learnt how to lead a team, coordinate efforts and integrate novel ideas. I've gotten hands on experience of working with a client to tailor the leg to their needs and I've gotten the chance to learn about human legs and their biomechanics.

I've had a blast this year, and I want every student that joins to enjoy and learn as much as I have, because being apart of this team has made me a better engineer. So, I've decided to stand for the Cybathlon Leg Team Lead role. As a lead, I plan to not only continue our design efforts to create a prosthetic leg, but to expand our opportunities to compete by creating an inter-university competition, giving us the chance to compete and refine our designs each year.

Thanks for listening everyone and I hope together we can take this society to new heights.