Photo of Vanathi Pugalendhi

Vanathi Pugalendhi

Doctorpreneurs: Marketing Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Vanathi Pugalendhi and I’m running for Marketing Officer for Doctorpreneurs.

Doctorpreneurs for me has been an exciting outlet for creative exploration outside of the medical curriculum and I would love to ensure that our initiatives and opportunities reach as wide an audience as possible through innovative marketing and publicity strategies.

I have extensive experience in designing high quality publicity materials through making engaging Instagram posts for Oxford’s International MUN and Imperial College Singapore Society. I understand the intricacies of marketing and publicity and will be able to handle the workload of broadcasting Doctorpreneurs’ many events as I have learnt to manage various teams in the past.

I believe in simple and clean designs with bold advertising to create a lasting impact on our audience. I will ensure that we highlight the most relevant aspects of our events so that we inspire new members with each one, and that we deliver feedback-driven and relevant experiences to our members so that they can benefit more every single time.

It would be incredible if you could provide me with the opportunity to shine the light on Doctorpreneurs’ most exciting and recent developments and I look forward to working with all of you soon!