Photo of Selina Yeung

Selina Yeung

Climate Entrepreneurs: Media and Marketing Manager

Hi! My name is Selina and I’m a first year Biological Sciences student, running for Media and Marketing Manager for the Climate Entrepreneurs Club! As media and marketing manager I hope to showcase the CEC’s strengths, to broaden the society’s reach and maintain transparent communication with current members.

Why me?

  • I’ve had experience being the Head of Marketing for my school’s TedX society, where I managed our social media platforms, tracked and increased student engagement. I’ll be able to stay on top of CEC’s many activites throughout the year and keep members in the loop.
  • As a current member of AIESEC, and having been part of communities like my school’s Tennis team and Sustainability council, I’ve developed strong teamwork skills. I’ll be capable of working with other members of the committee to come up with strong, creative marketing campaigns and strategies.
  • I’d like to think I’m a creative person, having worked in graphic design for student orgnaisations to create social media posts and marketing materials. I’ll be able to bring my content development skills to CEC, to grow our social media presence and promote our awesome events!

As a current participant in CEC’s Pre-Accelerator program, I’ve seen how valuable the CEC is as a platform for fostering new ideas, skills and connections between individuals hoping to tackle environmental challenges. I will work to maintain the CEC's positive impact and accessibility for all.

Thanks for reading and I’m looking forward to your vote! :)