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Ruby Greer

Imperial Marrow : Secretary

Hi, I'm Ruby a second year Bioengineering student and I'm running for Secretary. I hope to continue the important work of raising awareness and recruiting to the stem cell registry by thinking of new fun ways to get more people involved. I hope to partner with larger societies to do joint events such as a "Take Me Out" style show at which the money raised from tickets can be donated to the Anthony Nolan Charity. To increase the number of people on the registry film nights could be held at which a stand where people can sign up to the registry is present along with a short advert for the charity that is played before the film. I'm very passionate about increasing awareness and raising money for the charity and hope to massively increase interaction with the society as secretary. With young people’s donations tending to be more successful in transplants it is very important we sign up as many people at Imperial as possible.