Photo of Nicole Xu

Nicole Xu

Climate Entrepreneurs: Secretary

Hi! I'm Nicole, a 2nd year Biomed student. I would like to run for Secretary as part of Climate Entrepreneurs and aid in efficient administrativ suport by maintaining accurate records, organising meetings and managing communications to facilitate the smooth operation of climate entrepreneurs society. I will utilise internal communication channels to keep members informed about sociwty activities and events to foster engagement and participation. I hope to coordinate with the executive team to plan initiatives that align with the socety's mission of promote sustainable entrepreneurship and environmental innovation. I will assist in organisation and coordinating events and projects while providing logistical support to ensure successful execution and impactful outcomes. I want to advocate for sustainable practices within the society by promoting eco-friendly initiatives and reducing waste among members.

As a biomed student, I am passionate about sustainability and entrepreneurship. Since joining the society, I have learnt so much about sustainability and how it relates to science as well. I hope to bridge the gap between climate action and entrepreneurship and assist the team in organisation. I am well-organised, punctual and have experience in event-planning from working in other Imperial committee roles. I will use my skills to advance the mission of Climate Entrepreneurs and support the society to promote environmental innvoation and communtiy engagement within the university and beyong. VOTE FOR ME!