Photo of Anoushka Khot

Anoushka Khot

Imperial Medical Women's Federation (MWF) Society : Treasurer

Hello everyone, my name is Anoushka Khot. I hope you are all keeping well. I welcome you all to vote for me as the MWF Treasurer for the academic year starting September 2024.

History has been enriched by outstanding female doctors like Metrodora, Elizabeth Blackwell, Gerty Cori, Rosalyn Yalow and Rukhmabai. As we appreciate the many influential and reputed female actors in medicine, it is that among these names, as women, they share a common thread as doctors by profession, unstoppable by choice. We make 47% (Medical Womens Federation) of the workforce and yet for years on end we face unbelievable challenges and shortcomings which have been ironically reneged by the institutions of health. These include gender bias, gender pay gap, sexual harassment, prejudicial treatment in relation to race and ethnicity, sexism and this list is both unfortunate and innumerable. It is important as the future body of medical professionals, to address these major concerns to its end and break these chains hindering the career prospects, success and progression of women through roundtable talks, campaigns and learning the experiences by medical practitioners of today.

And so, I would love to be a part of your committee, and collaborate and contribute towards events that are educating and inspiring for all. It is with your votes submissions, suggestions and participation, these plans can come into fruition!