Photo of Juproop Lalli

Juproop Lalli

Venture Capital & Private Equity: President

Hey there! My name is Juproop, and Anir and I (pictured, L and R respectively) are running for the position of Co-Presidents of the Imperial Venture Capital & Private Equity (VCPE) Society for 2024-25!

We are both currently part of the committee for the VCPE Society, where I am the Head of Sponsorship and Anir is the Head of Publicity, and we have achieved great success this past year; from securing the first-ever sponsors for the society and an exclusive internship opportunity with AfricInvest, to partnering with the biggest firms in the high finance career space, like SEO London and Financial Edge training, we have played our part in the amazing growth of the society! We have achieved a great number of things so far, but we endeavor to lead the VCPE society into breaking new ground in the next academic year under our presidency- and for this, we need your help! A vote for Anir and Juproop is a vote for an even more successful and growing VCPE society that caters to your interests.

We deserve your vote for the following key reasons. We:

- have a clear plan for the VCPE society, helping both undergraduates and postgraduates at Imperial cultivate their understanding and network through informational events to boost their future career prospects in VCPE.

- have extensive experience of success in student societies, with a combined 5 years of experience across 4 student society committees.

Vote Anir and Juproop for VCPE Co-Presidents for an innovative future of the society!